Occultist darkest dungeon 2
Occultist darkest dungeon 2

occultist darkest dungeon 2

The Occultist gains a stack of Unchecked Power.Cannot be used if this damage would bring the Occultist to Death's Door (zero or fewer HP).The Occultist takes damage equal to fifteen percent of his maximum HP.Increases minimum damage by four and maximum damage by two.Inflicts an additional stack of Bleed on each target.Reduces the target's Burn, Bleed, and Blight Resistance by twenty each for the duration of the effect.Can only be used if the Occultist has two or more stacks of Unchecked Power.Damage from Bleed, Burn, or Blight will trigger this effect.For the next three turns, the target gains either two Bleed, two Blight, or two Burn (chosen at random) every time they take damage.The Occultist has a fifty-percent chance of gaining a stack of Unchecked Power,.Increases crit chance to fifteen percent.Moves the Occultist forward one position.Inflicts an additional stack of Vulnerability.Inflicts Stun on the target if the Occultist has two or more stacks of Unchecked Power.Pulls the target an additional space forward.Clears all corpses on the enemy side of the field.Pulls the target forward two positions.Increases maximum possible healing to fifty percent of the target's maximum HP.Guaranteed crit heal if the Occultist has two or more stacks of Unchecked Power.Fifty-percent chance of inflicting three Bleed on the target.It is possible, though unlikely, to heal zero.Heals the target for a random amount up to one-third of their HP.Can only target Heroes with less than one-third of their HP remaining.Inflicts Stun on both targets if the Occultist has two or more stacks of Unchecked Power.Increases Combo chance to thirty-three percent.Each target has a twenty-five percent chance of receiving a Combo token.If Sacrificial Stab kills an enemy, the Occultist gains a stack of Unchecked Power.Increases crit chance to twenty percent.Increases minimum damage by one and maximum damage by two.

occultist darkest dungeon 2

Combo bonus: The Occultist gains a stack of Unchecked Power.

Occultist darkest dungeon 2